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March 2025



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Tag: TV

American Horror Story Season 1 Finale

Please don’t read this if you haven’t seen the finale yet, I don’t want to spoil anything for you! I know I said I was going to make a post about the American Horror Story season finale last week, but I honestly needed some time to think everything over. So much more happened than usual […]

American Horror Story

Back when LOST was still on TV, I was a huge fan. It was the first TV show I really got into and watched every week. But ever since it ended, I never really found a show that was good enough to replace it. And now, after finally watching episode ten of American Horror Story, […]

Pretty Little Liars TV Show

I know the Pretty Little Liars TV show on ABC Family has been over for a little while, but I just wanted say my opinion on the whole TV show itself. Personally, it bothers me when TV shows and movies don’t follow the plot of the books. I understand some alterations have to be made […]

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One Trailer!

Did anyone see the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One on the MTV Movie Awards? Well I sure did! And let me tell you, it looks pretty awesome! I am totally excited. I cannot wait! I’m pretty much counting down the days over here. I want to go to the midnight […]

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little LiarsFor a while now, I’ve seen commercials on ABC Family about a new TV show this summer, The Pretty Little Liars. To me, it looks pretty good. Also, I know it’s a book series. I was wondering if anyone has read it, and if you think I should read the books or not. […]

The Vampire Diaries Season Finale

(I know I’m a little behind but,) OMG. ohmygod. That is all I have to say about the season finale of Vampire Diaries! The whole episode was completely shocking and unbelievable. Each commercial break left you hanging and anticipating what was going to happen next, (thank God I had it recorded on DVR). Throughout the […]

The Vampire Diaries

My Rating: 5 stars This TV show is based on the series of books by L.J. Smith. Seriously, I tried reading the first book to the Vampire Diaries, and I couldn’t even get into it. It was kind of boring, and I really don’t like Smith’s writing that much. (And I don’t understand the order […]