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July 2010



RSS NY Times Books Section

100th Post

I remember when I first started blogging back in October of 2009.
I really can’t believe it’s only been nine months.
Back then this website was just something I did for fun, like a hobby. My dad actually suggested the idea. I love books, so why not make a website about them? And believe it or not, I wasn’t going to do it. My posts were so short in the beginning. They were about four to five sentences and told you basically nothing about the book or what I thought about it. I updated maybe once or twice a week.

A lot has changed since then. My website is not only a hobby; it is part of my life. I love it so much. My posts are more frequent and definitely lengthier. I try to update as frequently as I possibly can, which is basically every two or three days at the least. I remember how excited I was when I found out that my website comes up on Google, Yahoo and Bing when you search things like “teen book blog” or “book blog for teens”. Also, some people have found my website and asked me to review their books, someone asked me to write for his website, and an author of a book I reviewed, Katie Alender, commented on my post & is going to link me on her website.
But most of all, I want to thank my fellow booknerdbloggers. All those people out there, who comment on my new book reviews, vote in my polls and are a fan of my Facebook page. Thank you so much, it means so much to me. I am glad that you all love books as much as I do!

This is only my 100th post and I hope for a lot more in the future!