Hey there!
I just wanted to let you all know that booknerdblog.com now has a poll!
The current question is:
Are you a…
1. Potterhead
2. Twi-hard
3. Don’t care
I just decided to see where all of my fellow booknerds stand on the Harry Potter and Twilight conflict. Next month, I will post the results! Then, I’ll add another question.
The poll is located on the left side of my website, right underneath my Facebook link.
Vote, vote, vote!
Posted: May 2nd, 2010 under Poll.
Tags: BookNerdBlog, BookNerdBlog.com, Poll
Comment from niky
Time June 2, 2010 at 5:53 PM
Potterhead of course! um like duh! :@)
Comment from Mango
Time July 10, 2011 at 9:23 AM
I’m like a year late I just wanted to day MAXIMUM RIDE all the freaking way
Comment from Kate Shipe
Time May 11, 2010 at 5:32 PM
POTTERHEAD!!!! woopwoop